Our third biannual pamphlet continues along similar lines as the previous editions, containing primary texts that continue building the ideas of two of our London fratres along with addresses from the Chief Adept and Suffragan of the Province of Greater London.
With this pamphlet, we have also made the move to a full-colour format, which allows us to include public domain pieces from the strong artistic tradition found within and surrounding Rosicrucianism over the centuries.
The first paper, Paths to Utopia: Rosicrucian Engagement in the World Today, continues the explorations made by Frater Robert Gordon into developing a vision of modern Rosicrucianism; calling back to the central use of utopian literature found within our tradition.
The second paper, In my End Lies my Beginning, from Frater Stephen Goulder looks at the life and work of the French alchemist, Fulcanelli, and how it relates to a seemingly mundane object, yet one with great hidden depths: the sundial.
We hope that you enjoy our third pamphlet in this ongoing series, which will continue in December with a collection of practical resources to enhance your daily practice.
Download the June MMXXI pamphlet here.